Christmas is coming soon and everyone's scurrying around. Making plans, having parties, buying presents. Feels like it's all too soon, i wanna hide underneath the blanket and wait for it to ride over... guess i'm becoming one of those anti-xmas types.
What i do believe in though is Thanksgiving, i believe in being grateful with what life has given me and i am extremely lucky to have made three new friends during that low low period of my life. I think it's time to give a proper thanks to these people.
First up is XE, for the mindless banters and chats on msn. Thanks for providing me an escape from my own thoughts and for allowing me to be silly. The unlikeliest of friends but strangely we gel, okay, maybe not that much in person, haha, but yeah, i really enjoy our msn sessions. It reminds me of a different side of myself that i haven't seen in a very long time and you reminds me of myself in certain ways, a younger, more upbeat and zany character with a devil-may-care attitude to life. Thanks for allowing me to realize that all is not lost and for resurfacing that little part of myself that holds the magical sparkle in my eyes.
Then there's CFRD, another out of this world character, at least from my universe. Definitely the most unlikeliest of friends but somehow we became, guess chance and circumstance really came into play here. Your friendship and company is like a much needed whiff of fresh air into my then otherwise dull and depressive state of affairs. Thanks for making me realize that the man i love was actually never in love with me in the first place. It's a painful lesson to learn but something i needed to know in order for me to move on.. and only you were able to show me that. The irony of it all, yes, in my spite and anger, i would've liked to see the expression on his face if he comes to know. Now that the feelings are muted, i don't really care.. and there's less talk about him so a shift in our dynamics was a definite course of action. We have created a friendship out of that strange bond, for that i am thankful. At least some good came out of it eh? Lol. Though lately there's been certain problems and doubts but i certainly do not want to give up on this friendship, time will be a good factor to judge all things. Here's to 2009.
Lastly there's Ginger. Thanks for making me believe in love again, although at the moment i am incapable of showing any. We are still pretty far from anything but to have the opportunity of knowing you, i really have to thank the angels above for looking after me. Your companionship is sincerely appreciated, so much so that at times i worry about hurting you instead. Thanks for entrusting me with your confidence and for allowing me to be your confidant. I look forward to what the next year will bring forth for us. =)
So there, the three people who will end my 2008 with a blast. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Nearly lost my phone a couple days ago but thankfully the cab driver who found my handphone returned it to me. During the couple of hours that i had time to reflect, i came to the conclusion that although the lost of contact would really be troublesome, the one thing that will really be painful to part with was a video clip that i hadn't managed to back up on my computer yet... my awkward auntie voice saying, "sing louder huh..", your tiny slitted eyes, the furry white bianca, the twinkling snowflake hanging on your mirror, our road trip moment.. never would i have thought then it would end, all at the crashing moment.
The memories, together with others, i'm slowing laying them to rest. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, feelings fade but memories remain.

The memories, together with others, i'm slowing laying them to rest. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, feelings fade but memories remain.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Two Exhibitions
It has been a while since i've involved myself with any form of photography. Mainly because of my sense of inferiority that distanced myself from this passion of mine. Chance would have it that these two exhibitions approach me, beckoning me to look, feel and connect with the images presented.
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Doubleness - Chang Chien-Chi

A documentary photographer, Chang Chien-Chi explores the view of human connectivity in an assortment of projects spanning over countries and over time.
What really touches me about his works is the raw, unabashed look that splays all across the photography. Not some cutting edge grit nor candy floss pretty, it just simply exists in its form, naked to the beholder.
Many thoughts were conjured in my mind as i looked over the photographs through the carefully planned space and lighting constructed to accommodate this exhibition. Emotions surged within my soul as i observed the "The Chain". Moving from one picture to another, my mind was in overload when i suddenly turned around to notice the life size portraits encompassing the entire art space, the magnitude overwhelms me.
The idea of distance between human; the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of it... just like a mantra i have been repeating to myself again and again, "You are not two souls intertwine but two souls inter-related..." Sigh, how i long to find a complete image of love and not just doubleness of a fragment (of that elusive image).
What really touches me about his works is the raw, unabashed look that splays all across the photography. Not some cutting edge grit nor candy floss pretty, it just simply exists in its form, naked to the beholder.
Many thoughts were conjured in my mind as i looked over the photographs through the carefully planned space and lighting constructed to accommodate this exhibition. Emotions surged within my soul as i observed the "The Chain". Moving from one picture to another, my mind was in overload when i suddenly turned around to notice the life size portraits encompassing the entire art space, the magnitude overwhelms me.
The idea of distance between human; the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of it... just like a mantra i have been repeating to myself again and again, "You are not two souls intertwine but two souls inter-related..." Sigh, how i long to find a complete image of love and not just doubleness of a fragment (of that elusive image).
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Voom - Robert Wilson

I came across the interview with Robert Wilson on Prime Time Morning while traveling to work one day. A renowned theatre director, Robert Wilson was always fascinated by portraits, partly due to his lineage to a long line of painters in his family.
Not having the talents of paintbrush and canvas board, Robert took the idea of portraits to the next level. By incorporating his knowledge of lighting and drama while using the medium of film. he create moving stills, live portraits of well known socialites in various forms of pose. While some remain still as a monolith to the unobservant, others playfully tempt and tease with unexpected movements and antics.
Colours in the portraits are vivid and rich, the composition flawless and the lighting spectacular. Backgrounds were used specifically to tastefully accentuate or compliment the subject matter. It is exactly this kind of photography that i would aspire to achieve... to create a world full of memorable colours and cheeky expressions.
Not having the talents of paintbrush and canvas board, Robert took the idea of portraits to the next level. By incorporating his knowledge of lighting and drama while using the medium of film. he create moving stills, live portraits of well known socialites in various forms of pose. While some remain still as a monolith to the unobservant, others playfully tempt and tease with unexpected movements and antics.
Colours in the portraits are vivid and rich, the composition flawless and the lighting spectacular. Backgrounds were used specifically to tastefully accentuate or compliment the subject matter. It is exactly this kind of photography that i would aspire to achieve... to create a world full of memorable colours and cheeky expressions.
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I'm not going into details here because i have been known to be long-winded but more importantly, whoever out there that is reading this... i would want you to go experience it for yourself, for my craftsmanship in writing can never do justice to the individual artist's work. My words are merely a window into my own experience. Now what your soul yearns to do is to experience for itself.
What i will leave behind is my favourite piece of art there, 'Boris'.
For... i am a tickling beauty in the form of a prickly cutie. =P
What i will leave behind is my favourite piece of art there, 'Boris'.
For... i am a tickling beauty in the form of a prickly cutie. =P

Saturday, December 6, 2008
You'll be there... always away from me.
And i'll be here, always a distance from you.
"You were there for summer dreaming,
And you gave me what I need.
And I hope you'll find your freedom,
For eternity, for eternity."
I can finally feel the distance between us..
and this image is the perfect reflection of how i feel now.
The loneliness is getting easier to deal with
and i am finally embracing my independence.
The nightmares have finally faded away into the dark recess of my mind
while the siren's song of reminiscence, of love so pure and true, i can no longer hear...
I'm sadden by this fact but you would be glad to know,
I have finally moved on.
And i'll be here, always a distance from you.
"You were there for summer dreaming,
And you gave me what I need.
And I hope you'll find your freedom,
For eternity, for eternity."
I can finally feel the distance between us..
and this image is the perfect reflection of how i feel now.
The loneliness is getting easier to deal with
and i am finally embracing my independence.
The nightmares have finally faded away into the dark recess of my mind
while the siren's song of reminiscence, of love so pure and true, i can no longer hear...
I'm sadden by this fact but you would be glad to know,
I have finally moved on.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
I who have nothing
it's been a while.. a month and a half to be exact.
Truth of the matter is, i still can't get over you, over us.
I have been fighting. I have been trying to be brave... chin up, head high, out there facing the world alone. I hang out with my friends and i try meeting new guys, i make the effort to mentally banished every thoughts of you, yet somehow or rather... you are always at the back of my mind.
When i am at my weakest, my feet will always carry me to your place where i seat at your doorstep, alone in the dark and breathe in your scent that permeates the corridor. There i reminiscence about our past and think about what should've been. What could i have done to make things work? Did i really give in my all? There i convince myself to gather up my strength, take in the good times, forget about the bad times and just let everything go, move on with my life... easier said then done.
I am but only human.
You asked me why i apologize and said there's nothing to be sorry about... but there is. I apologize because i am weak, for being weak and for being vulnerable in front of you. I've made a point never to be vulnerable in front of others, you have your pride and i have mine... To unabashedly show up on your doorstep, uninvited, unwelcome... i have a lot to be apologetic for. I don't have much to give.. and as my way of saying sorry, i try to give back a fragment of our memory because i do not know what else i can do...
All the other times you were not there... i would seat by myself, slowly contemplating. I would fantasize about you coming back and finding me there by your doorstep and the scene thereafter would always be the same... i'll stand up, gather my things and walk down the stairs without saying a word to you. I guess real life situation is always different.
So there i am, a silent stalker. Someone who is furtively hanging on to the threads, threads of our past, our memories, of you. I hate myself for not being able to get over all this, i hate not being able to stand strong... what's wrong with me? WHY do i keep hanging on to the past!!
How much you mean in my heart... i am only beginning to understand.
I who have nothing can only give my heart, while you... who wants everything have no interest in what i have to offer.
Rest assured... i am trying my darn hardest to pick myself up. The demons that comes to haunt shall someday be slain and the phoenix within will once again rise from its own ashes. For now, allow me to do what i does best... deconstruction / self-destruction.
I am but only a scorpio.
Truth of the matter is, i still can't get over you, over us.
I have been fighting. I have been trying to be brave... chin up, head high, out there facing the world alone. I hang out with my friends and i try meeting new guys, i make the effort to mentally banished every thoughts of you, yet somehow or rather... you are always at the back of my mind.
When i am at my weakest, my feet will always carry me to your place where i seat at your doorstep, alone in the dark and breathe in your scent that permeates the corridor. There i reminiscence about our past and think about what should've been. What could i have done to make things work? Did i really give in my all? There i convince myself to gather up my strength, take in the good times, forget about the bad times and just let everything go, move on with my life... easier said then done.
I am but only human.
You asked me why i apologize and said there's nothing to be sorry about... but there is. I apologize because i am weak, for being weak and for being vulnerable in front of you. I've made a point never to be vulnerable in front of others, you have your pride and i have mine... To unabashedly show up on your doorstep, uninvited, unwelcome... i have a lot to be apologetic for. I don't have much to give.. and as my way of saying sorry, i try to give back a fragment of our memory because i do not know what else i can do...
All the other times you were not there... i would seat by myself, slowly contemplating. I would fantasize about you coming back and finding me there by your doorstep and the scene thereafter would always be the same... i'll stand up, gather my things and walk down the stairs without saying a word to you. I guess real life situation is always different.
So there i am, a silent stalker. Someone who is furtively hanging on to the threads, threads of our past, our memories, of you. I hate myself for not being able to get over all this, i hate not being able to stand strong... what's wrong with me? WHY do i keep hanging on to the past!!
How much you mean in my heart... i am only beginning to understand.
I who have nothing can only give my heart, while you... who wants everything have no interest in what i have to offer.
Rest assured... i am trying my darn hardest to pick myself up. The demons that comes to haunt shall someday be slain and the phoenix within will once again rise from its own ashes. For now, allow me to do what i does best... deconstruction / self-destruction.
I am but only a scorpio.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Wake Up Call
Forget it johnny boy, why get so agitated... don't let your past haunt you, if not you will never recover. Don't hang on to the sweet memories anymore because it only makes the bad ones even harder to forget. It's time to grow up and be mature about things.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
I told a big lie a couple of days ago... not really sure what to think of it but one thing i know for sure... this will be the catalyst for things to come. It'll be the end... it has to be.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
A New Chapter
Been doing some thinking...
I know it has ended, we are only friends with no chance of getting back. Somehow i am unable to breakaway, my mantra of two souls apart hasn't been working out too well for me lately. There needs to be an absolution and during one period, i was given the option. Unfortunately i was unable to accept it, stubbornly refusing to give it all up. Perhaps it was indeed my mistake and we both ended up paying for it.
I need to be stronger, be a man about it. Ironic, i was just telling a friend that i don't even consider myself a big boy at this age (in terms of maturity), yet now, i have to quickly learn the role of a man.
Come the 6th of August, everything will change and a new chapter will opens up for me.. and for him.
I know it has ended, we are only friends with no chance of getting back. Somehow i am unable to breakaway, my mantra of two souls apart hasn't been working out too well for me lately. There needs to be an absolution and during one period, i was given the option. Unfortunately i was unable to accept it, stubbornly refusing to give it all up. Perhaps it was indeed my mistake and we both ended up paying for it.
I need to be stronger, be a man about it. Ironic, i was just telling a friend that i don't even consider myself a big boy at this age (in terms of maturity), yet now, i have to quickly learn the role of a man.
Come the 6th of August, everything will change and a new chapter will opens up for me.. and for him.
Monday, August 4, 2008

I used to have a stray dog once, his name was Xylus. Met him at my void deck one day. he was so cheerful, running around, trying to befriend anyone who'll play with him. I asked if he was keen to follow me home and he smiled. So it started, our friendship of 6 weeks.
Turns out he wasn't just a normal dog. Years of abandonment by several owners and abused by some, Xylus carried with him a heavy baggage. I took it on unknowingly, yet i cared and loved him as i would my child. At times, it pains me to see how the years of emotional scarring affects his life.
He was very much a puppy at heart with very good temperament, always ready to please but there was a dark side too. Sometimes, out of the blue, while playing in the living room, he would sudden hide under the sofa and refuse to come out. His gaze would sink deeper within himself with an aura of gloom building over. It's almost as if he's recalling something from his past, some dark ominous cloud that would just settle right above him.
Attempts to get him to come out would only serve to make him withdraw deeper into himself and once, when i tried to go near and physically pull him out, he gave a deep guttural growl, teeth baring. As my hand went inches from his face, he snapped and went at me. I remember my shock and hurt from being emotionally pushed away by him. The crazed look he had on his face was so contrasting to the loving gaze he gave whenever i cuddle him in my arms.
It seems that no matter how much love i showered him, it could never take away the years of pain and sadness that he had suffered before meeting me.
A recent incident sudden made me remember Xylus. I, too, am suddenly having to face the demons of my past.. re-
I can be happy and cheerful at one moment and suddenly bitter and sad in the next. Painful memory keeps visiting me like the ghosts before Christmas, flashbacks of what has been replaying continuously in my mind, the floodgate of remembrance keep gushing out and my will is unable to stop it.
So now it has become my turn to go through what my poor dog has to experience. As the dark clouds gathers and the rain starts pouring, i give a silent prayer.. hoping not to drown.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
What if... all in a day, the person whom you thought you knew suddenly becomes a total stranger? What if... the life you've been living is a sham, a visage of former glory spiraling downwards into total oblivion? What if... God comes to you in a different form, to give you grace instead of condemnation?
As i suddenly open up my mind's eye, as i slowly awake from my former sublime state.. lucidity sets in and all i can do is scream in silent horror... "oh god, what have i done!?!"
As i suddenly open up my mind's eye, as i slowly awake from my former sublime state.. lucidity sets in and all i can do is scream in silent horror... "oh god, what have i done!?!"
Before & After
Happy Tree Friends
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Baby Don't Need Me
I'm not the perfect boyfriend and neither am i the most tender..
I can't give you the encouragement you need and i can't give you the support you require... that is because i have seen too much, know too much and care way too much.
I may be a fool in love, but i am definitely not a thoughtless fool.
So let the crowd lift you up, you are your own rock star in your domain. The attention you crave shall be sated, the comfort you seek shall be granted and the adoration you want... shall be yours'.
Can anybody tell me how much is truly enough and can anyone tell me if a person can ever fill an empty stomach... much less an empty heart?
I can't give you the encouragement you need and i can't give you the support you require... that is because i have seen too much, know too much and care way too much.
I may be a fool in love, but i am definitely not a thoughtless fool.
So let the crowd lift you up, you are your own rock star in your domain. The attention you crave shall be sated, the comfort you seek shall be granted and the adoration you want... shall be yours'.
Can anybody tell me how much is truly enough and can anyone tell me if a person can ever fill an empty stomach... much less an empty heart?
Monday, June 2, 2008
Kimchi Chegay
Finally managed to sort out my iTunes again!! *>_<* For the 2nd time.
First time i did that and stored the files in my external hard drive... it crashed so spectacularly that it requires a $720 a pop CPR resuscitation to revive it... i decided it was time to let go.
Luckily i was able to retrieve most of the music collection from my now-defunct iPod so i shall not complain. I am blessed..
So now it's on to my next task.. to photoshop all the pictures in my iPhoto collection. This way i can brush up on my editing skills and at the same time present a more organized and prettier looking pictures for keeps. =) The first set that i've completed.. my trip to Korea in 2007 for my 2nd sister's wedding.
No, i didn't forget about the eye bags, i just prefer an au natural look on myself. =P
That's my eldest sister and my nephew.

More of the little precocious one.

Mother and child.
The family portrait in western costume
More on the bride.

I was on the trip with my 1st sister to attend my 2nd sister's Korean Wedding. They had one in Singapore before this. Her MIL in the picture, reminds me of my mom. =)
That's adiyos for the wedding, it's on the photo whoring. =P
It's all bats off on this one.
Proving to everyone how much of a showstopper i am.
hmm.. don't know what to say or do...
How about some hand actions..

Some body movements..
Okay, i think this settles it.
Me and my Hoodie.
Super 'bo liao' editing in this one.
I removed 2 boys from the background and added in one additional blue spotlight.
No problem! Got rid of a nosey lady that was directly behind me!
First time i did that and stored the files in my external hard drive... it crashed so spectacularly that it requires a $720 a pop CPR resuscitation to revive it... i decided it was time to let go.
Luckily i was able to retrieve most of the music collection from my now-defunct iPod so i shall not complain. I am blessed..
So now it's on to my next task.. to photoshop all the pictures in my iPhoto collection. This way i can brush up on my editing skills and at the same time present a more organized and prettier looking pictures for keeps. =) The first set that i've completed.. my trip to Korea in 2007 for my 2nd sister's wedding.

More of the little precocious one.

I removed 2 boys from the background and added in one additional blue spotlight.

Conclusion.. i should be doing photo hunt inspired photos. Now you see it, now you don't. Haha!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
I don't really know how to say this... but i think for the first time in a relationship, i am scared. I am scared because i feel that this is the last of me, a tiny fragment of what i was, a tiny fragment of myself that hasn't fell apart and broken away from me. I have given too much of myself away and what's left of me, sometimes even i am shocked by what i see, surprised at the stranger that i've become.
If you've noticed..i have become very quiet recently but for me, i don't feel that i'm quiet, i am just very cautious... cautious of my actions and cautious of my words... because i'm tired.. tired of having another senseless argument, tired of tripping over your emotional threads, tired of being witty, tired of being accused, tired of being wrong.. all the time.
So after movies i keep my mouth shut... every questions or comments made by you suddenly becomes a flashback of all the arguments we have about it. Me not being substantial in my comments on the movies seen... i'm sorry darling, i thought it was just casual talks, not some debating issue where i have to take a side and argue the hell out of it. I must've been stupid cos it seems that i am always wrong.
I've made things all about you.. it's what you wanted, isn't it?
Every single time we have an argument, you somehow have the incredible ability to twist the story... whatever i was previously upset about becomes an issue about you and you end up getting even more upset than myself and i, the previously upset person have to be forced to put aside whatever i'm upset about to cater to your temperamental needs.
You are selfish but in your mind, you think you are a very giving person. Certainly you wouldn't spare a thought to care for your friends or pay for my expenses outside but you don't realize that there's more to it then the physical stuff. You are selfish with your time and your needs. So many sacrifices and changes i've made for you... have you noticed?
Whenever we reach home, i'm the one who keeps our slippers and sandals away.. do you say thank you?
Whenever you are hungry, i'll always be the one to walk to the nearest food stall to buy you lunch cos you are too lazy to do so.. do you really appreciate it?
Whenever i'm in Clementi and you ask me to come over to Joo Chiat cos you're lonely... i do it because i love you.. do you REALLY appreciate it?
You didn't like it when i kept asking you where you were and what you are doing right? Have you seen me do it often lately?
I mentioned to you to give me a sms half an hour after i gave you your wake up call to ensure that you're awake right? Did you do it?
I asked you to send me a sms at 5pm to let me know where you are so i could know where to meet up with you for dinner right? Did you do it?
Both times i had to be the one to call you to ask... did i get angry, did i say it to your face? No, because i know you'll get defensive and hurt and blame it on me anyway... no .. i didn't want an argument, not a losing battle i want to fight for.
So we met up and you told me that we're gonna watch a movie with a bunch of your friends after dinner. It was all arranged in the afternoon and the tickets are already brought. Sigh.. you must be thinking contently to yourself that you've done something good for me... but no, my dear, you're wrong. Wrong because you failed to realize that you've only served to make yourself happy but not me. This isn't the first time something like this happens... you always make plans for me without my approval. Were you to ask how i am doing... you'll know that i am pretty tired out the past few days and i just want a quiet night with you for dinner. I have a beach outing the next day at 10am and so i want to have an early rest. I can't even classify it as good intentions because it has happened wayy too many times and it only leads me to conclude that you don't consider my feelings at all when it comes to planning of your schedule. I am just slotted and fitted in where ever you see suits YOUR interest best. That is called selfish. To have the story turned and told that i'm the heartless one for not appreciating your good intentions... when you don't even bother to call me to ask or take time to REALLY consider what i REALLY want or need... irony...
I used to think that i was the one who was always being emotional and that was what is draining us out... i'm starting to think otherwise lately.. i think you are the one carrying the paper heart around. You coupled that fragile emotional psyche of yours' with your intellect and you start analyzing and arguing and getting upset... more upset... even more upset... that you've slowly withdrawn into yourself. I can't pull you out from there... and it's tiring me, more every single day. I need to stop ranting and go to sleep..
... Baby, whatever it is.. I Love You.. i really want to work it out... make it happen between us... just that at this point i'm really drained... i need time to recuperate..
If you've noticed..i have become very quiet recently but for me, i don't feel that i'm quiet, i am just very cautious... cautious of my actions and cautious of my words... because i'm tired.. tired of having another senseless argument, tired of tripping over your emotional threads, tired of being witty, tired of being accused, tired of being wrong.. all the time.
So after movies i keep my mouth shut... every questions or comments made by you suddenly becomes a flashback of all the arguments we have about it. Me not being substantial in my comments on the movies seen... i'm sorry darling, i thought it was just casual talks, not some debating issue where i have to take a side and argue the hell out of it. I must've been stupid cos it seems that i am always wrong.
I've made things all about you.. it's what you wanted, isn't it?
Every single time we have an argument, you somehow have the incredible ability to twist the story... whatever i was previously upset about becomes an issue about you and you end up getting even more upset than myself and i, the previously upset person have to be forced to put aside whatever i'm upset about to cater to your temperamental needs.
You are selfish but in your mind, you think you are a very giving person. Certainly you wouldn't spare a thought to care for your friends or pay for my expenses outside but you don't realize that there's more to it then the physical stuff. You are selfish with your time and your needs. So many sacrifices and changes i've made for you... have you noticed?
Whenever we reach home, i'm the one who keeps our slippers and sandals away.. do you say thank you?
Whenever you are hungry, i'll always be the one to walk to the nearest food stall to buy you lunch cos you are too lazy to do so.. do you really appreciate it?
Whenever i'm in Clementi and you ask me to come over to Joo Chiat cos you're lonely... i do it because i love you.. do you REALLY appreciate it?
You didn't like it when i kept asking you where you were and what you are doing right? Have you seen me do it often lately?
I mentioned to you to give me a sms half an hour after i gave you your wake up call to ensure that you're awake right? Did you do it?
I asked you to send me a sms at 5pm to let me know where you are so i could know where to meet up with you for dinner right? Did you do it?
Both times i had to be the one to call you to ask... did i get angry, did i say it to your face? No, because i know you'll get defensive and hurt and blame it on me anyway... no .. i didn't want an argument, not a losing battle i want to fight for.
So we met up and you told me that we're gonna watch a movie with a bunch of your friends after dinner. It was all arranged in the afternoon and the tickets are already brought. Sigh.. you must be thinking contently to yourself that you've done something good for me... but no, my dear, you're wrong. Wrong because you failed to realize that you've only served to make yourself happy but not me. This isn't the first time something like this happens... you always make plans for me without my approval. Were you to ask how i am doing... you'll know that i am pretty tired out the past few days and i just want a quiet night with you for dinner. I have a beach outing the next day at 10am and so i want to have an early rest. I can't even classify it as good intentions because it has happened wayy too many times and it only leads me to conclude that you don't consider my feelings at all when it comes to planning of your schedule. I am just slotted and fitted in where ever you see suits YOUR interest best. That is called selfish. To have the story turned and told that i'm the heartless one for not appreciating your good intentions... when you don't even bother to call me to ask or take time to REALLY consider what i REALLY want or need... irony...
I used to think that i was the one who was always being emotional and that was what is draining us out... i'm starting to think otherwise lately.. i think you are the one carrying the paper heart around. You coupled that fragile emotional psyche of yours' with your intellect and you start analyzing and arguing and getting upset... more upset... even more upset... that you've slowly withdrawn into yourself. I can't pull you out from there... and it's tiring me, more every single day. I need to stop ranting and go to sleep..
... Baby, whatever it is.. I Love You.. i really want to work it out... make it happen between us... just that at this point i'm really drained... i need time to recuperate..
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Milkshake, Fries N' Burger
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Suspend in disbelief
Something horrible happened earlier this week.. so disgusting and vile, it leaves a bitter taste in my throat. Perhaps i'm still reeling from it. I feel like i'm halfway through a bungee jump, suspended in mid-air, time standing chillingly still as i hear my own heart beating... and strangely it's beating as it should, no faster nor slower then it used to, and i wonder..
I now wonder whether things would be better off if it just ended the way it should... a simple keep in touch, constant flirting on msn whenever bored, an occasional call when either one is feeling mischievous... that'll probably save a lot of heartache and pain.
I wonder... of all the ones out there, some worse, some better, some cuter, some uglier, some fitter, some chubbier, some younger, some older... why me... why am i the one to be chosen?
After all the horror of the week... i am alone, i should be peaceful and content but no... i don't feel that way. I am numb by it all, my energy draining in an excruciating slow trickle... by unanswered questions, unresolved issues and oh, my favourite poison of late... sweet sweet jealousy.
Welcome back, Jasca. The blues you've been singing shall finally be heard.
Sigh.. I long to return to simpler times..
I now wonder whether things would be better off if it just ended the way it should... a simple keep in touch, constant flirting on msn whenever bored, an occasional call when either one is feeling mischievous... that'll probably save a lot of heartache and pain.
I wonder... of all the ones out there, some worse, some better, some cuter, some uglier, some fitter, some chubbier, some younger, some older... why me... why am i the one to be chosen?
After all the horror of the week... i am alone, i should be peaceful and content but no... i don't feel that way. I am numb by it all, my energy draining in an excruciating slow trickle... by unanswered questions, unresolved issues and oh, my favourite poison of late... sweet sweet jealousy.
Welcome back, Jasca. The blues you've been singing shall finally be heard.
Sigh.. I long to return to simpler times..
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
love is..
i've always believe in equality within a relationship, be it a friendship or love but recently I'm finding the balance being tilted more and more. When you give, you expect the person to return. When you listen, you expect the person to offer a listening ear back. Sometimes it just isn't the case. I often wonder, "Is it selfish of me to have the kind of expectation of others?" Especially when you think about love and what love means..
"Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous. Love is never boastful or conceited. It is never rude or selfish. It does not take offense and is not resentful."
Would i ever learn to achieve this kind of love for others, especially to the ones i hold dear to my heart?
"Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous. Love is never boastful or conceited. It is never rude or selfish. It does not take offense and is not resentful."
'A Walk To Remember'
Would i ever learn to achieve this kind of love for others, especially to the ones i hold dear to my heart?
"why is it that when two person falls in love, there always has to be one who falls harder?"
It was a case of the issue behind the argument that's bigger then the argument itself. Did you take the time to try and understand why i was acting the way i was? I'm a big dumb dumb... i didn't fully realize it when we were arguing, only a couple of hours later when i shared my feelings to others that i realize what was happening and why i reacted the way i did.. but i remember trying to convey it out to you, in whatever impractical ways (sulking) i know of. You didn't have the patience for me... you didn't want to accept my point of view... it would be so different if it was the other way round, remember the food argument? It was exactly like that.
I didn't have the strength to push my point thru, i guess then i didn't even know what my point was but you're the clever one, shouldn't you already second guessed me to it? Even now i'm being childish but the damage's been done and i'm the one left in a corner, ignored... even though i wasn't in the wrong. it's tiring for me too and i hate being ignored... all that's left now is me feeling disappointed and extremely drained.
It was a case of the issue behind the argument that's bigger then the argument itself. Did you take the time to try and understand why i was acting the way i was? I'm a big dumb dumb... i didn't fully realize it when we were arguing, only a couple of hours later when i shared my feelings to others that i realize what was happening and why i reacted the way i did.. but i remember trying to convey it out to you, in whatever impractical ways (sulking) i know of. You didn't have the patience for me... you didn't want to accept my point of view... it would be so different if it was the other way round, remember the food argument? It was exactly like that.
I didn't have the strength to push my point thru, i guess then i didn't even know what my point was but you're the clever one, shouldn't you already second guessed me to it? Even now i'm being childish but the damage's been done and i'm the one left in a corner, ignored... even though i wasn't in the wrong. it's tiring for me too and i hate being ignored... all that's left now is me feeling disappointed and extremely drained.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
A dog's life
Jasper had to undergo an operation to have his balls cut off and i had the opportunity to scrub in and watch the entire procedure because the vet is a personal friend of mine. I must say it's an overall cool experience, the closest i'll ever get to observing an operation.
Alot of people have been asking me why i wanna neuter him so here's the top 3 reasons i could think of...
Number 3
Neutering him before he reaches adulthood will stop him from ever attaining undesirable habits such as marking (that is peeing every 5 steps he takes when you bring the dog out for walks), being territorial and aggressive.
Number 2
Neutering before he turns one year old will ensure that he attains the health benefits that comes along with not having sex hormones, such as cancer. That's what i've been told.
Number 1
Jasper has undescended testicles, which means he's 3 times more likely to kena testicular cancer. It is also highly recommended by vets to remove it as it poses serious health threats to the dog.
On a different topic... it's kind of a warped thought but I don't suppose i'll ever get the chance to observe a woman in the operating theatre giving birth to my child so watching Jasper having his testicles removed is the next best thing..

My boy after being heavily sedated, (took alot to him concussed!) tied up and
inserted with an oxygen tube/pump down his throat.

Today am gonna bring him to have his stitches removed. It'll be 2 weeks since his surgery. The wound looks a bit like this last week..

Was just checking up on it earlier on and it seems to be not healing up too well. A bit of bacteria and dirt down there as well... oh no.. i hope nothing bad happens when i see the vet tomorrow. Got a feeling that I'll be scolded by my friend. hmm.. wait till next time to know the results!
Alot of people have been asking me why i wanna neuter him so here's the top 3 reasons i could think of...
Number 3
Neutering him before he reaches adulthood will stop him from ever attaining undesirable habits such as marking (that is peeing every 5 steps he takes when you bring the dog out for walks), being territorial and aggressive.
Number 2
Neutering before he turns one year old will ensure that he attains the health benefits that comes along with not having sex hormones, such as cancer. That's what i've been told.
Number 1
Jasper has undescended testicles, which means he's 3 times more likely to kena testicular cancer. It is also highly recommended by vets to remove it as it poses serious health threats to the dog.
On a different topic... it's kind of a warped thought but I don't suppose i'll ever get the chance to observe a woman in the operating theatre giving birth to my child so watching Jasper having his testicles removed is the next best thing..
My boy after being heavily sedated, (took alot to him concussed!) tied up and
inserted with an oxygen tube/pump down his throat.
A close up picture of Jasper sedated.. ain't he cute!
(I know, I'm a sicko)
(I know, I'm a sicko)
Sterilizing him before the operation.
That's iodine (i think..) that they're using on his tummy.
(Jo, care to explain what the iodine's for? =P)
Then they use alcohol to clean the area again.
(Jo, care to explain what the iodine's for? =P)
Then they use alcohol to clean the area again.
Here we go!
YikeS! He's cutting him up like sushi!
Extremely sharp clamps to hold the surgery area in place.
Having a hard time trying to find the testicles...
The first one found after roughly 15-20 minutes into the surgery.
The two balls side by side. One is actually smaller then the other.
Trying to soak up blood before stitching back the wound.
Doc to Nurse : Where's the piece of rag i left just now?
Doc: Aww shit, gotta open the wound to remove my bloody rag again!
(Just kidding~ but kinda reminded me of that episode in Grey's Anatomy)
(Just kidding~ but kinda reminded me of that episode in Grey's Anatomy)
All stitched up. See the 'pinches' left behind by the clamps? 'Ouch!'
All closed up. It actually looks like a pig's skin that people use to cook stews in.
The nurse giving Jasper some much needed TLC.
Jasper : What have you done to my BaLLs!! Argh, my precious!!!
Jasper : Somemore still have to get stuck with this cone thinG?!
No wonder he's all depressed. =/
Today am gonna bring him to have his stitches removed. It'll be 2 weeks since his surgery. The wound looks a bit like this last week..
Was just checking up on it earlier on and it seems to be not healing up too well. A bit of bacteria and dirt down there as well... oh no.. i hope nothing bad happens when i see the vet tomorrow. Got a feeling that I'll be scolded by my friend. hmm.. wait till next time to know the results!
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