Okay, so I made a mistake. I definitely slipped up and it’s one that I have made often times in my life but somehow it really struck me deep this time round. At the age of 27, I have no excuse for letting my life slip away from me and to keep repeating habitual follies.
I am a grown man for christsake! In 3 more years, I’ll be considered mature by others so why I am still acting like a goddamn child who fucks up every situation and every good thing that’s ever gone my way?!
This new coming of age has been hell through and through. I don’t think it’ll go very easy on me… perhaps I’m being punished, I really don’t know.
What I will do though is to push forth with my life; I need to make a difference in myself. I need to get over getting sick and tired of myself. I need change; a transformation even but it will all have to be in baby steps.
Until I learn to grow, be constantly mindful of my being and start feeding my soul, I will also be here. Stuck, sad and miserable.
Time to make a few small repairs to keep the days from going by while walking on a wire. Time to make a difference and believe in life.