The ulcer on my mouth hasn’t recovered as well, so yesterday I tried to remove the yellow pus surrounding the ulcer. It was really disgusting and there was this one spot that just stuck to the flesh and I had to use a pincher to get it out. Unfortunately… it grew back within half an hour! I was just looking at it 5 minutes ago and I realized that it’s finally healing up and that the yellow pus is actually part of the healing process. Remember the part that was sticking to the flesh and I had to pick it out? Well, now it ain’t growing back and it’s left a red spot in its place, probably an empty hole to boot! Wa… why… why does it always have to be me!!!
If things aren't bad enough, it seems that my behaviour / sickness might have rubbed off on Jasper because just 3 days after moving in, he's becoming more sleep indulgent (or maybe it's because i don't let him out of the cage) and his appetite waning. It's come to a point where his breakfast could be divided into breakfast, lunch and dinner with leftovers for supper. It's definitely not the food because there is no change so i'm suspecting either a mood swing (his cage is right next to the television... he doesn't seemed much affect by it but...) or he's physically sick. At the moment he is still quite active whenever i let him out of the cage so that puts my mind at ease, a little.
The photos… well… haha, I’ve been lazy and really, you can’t blame me.. I’m siiicckk. Okay okay, I’ve got one really miserable photo.. or two.. but it’s a really lousy camera. Eish, so enjoy the pictures and wish me good luck (at training Jasper) and good health (Jasper too!).

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