
Okay, here's where i do a typical 'Ugly Betty' story in reversal (PS: If you have watched the tv show, you'll know that they do a couple of flashback episodes where they reveal the ending at the beginning of the show and start the story as a flashback of sort).
Well, how did i end up with this guy's picture? It started early this week when i was out job hunting in the CBD area (for a cafe job... -_-") when a friend from the bar smsed me, it goes...
ME: Okay... so why call me Kim?
AB: I saw your ad from the massage website.
ME (all huffy and puffy): WHAT?!? I didn't do such things.
What's the web add, i want to have a look at it myself.
AB: --- No reply ---

Okay, here's where i do a typical 'Ugly Betty' story in reversal (PS: If you have watched the tv show, you'll know that they do a couple of flashback episodes where they reveal the ending at the beginning of the show and start the story as a flashback of sort).
Well, how did i end up with this guy's picture? It started early this week when i was out job hunting in the CBD area (for a cafe job... -_-") when a friend from the bar smsed me, it goes...
AB: Hi Kim.
ME: Err... think you've got the wrong number. I'm Johnny from the bar.
AB: Yeah, i know.
AB: Yeah, i know.
ME: Okay... so why call me Kim?
AB: I saw your ad from the massage website.
ME (all huffy and puffy): WHAT?!? I didn't do such things.
What's the web add, i want to have a look at it myself.
AB: --- No reply ---
So i smsed him the next day insisting for the address and got it. Was a little lazy and so i only went to check it out 2 days later (haha.. -_-") and found the real 'Kim', provided that's his real name lah. From what i know, people in the massage industry rarely give their actual or full name.

So anyway... a few discrepancies to prove that i'm not Kim or Kim's not me, or i am him but not me or he is me but not him.. Err, i think you get the idea... right? =P (Wordplay!)
1 - My name is not Kim (Even if i have a psuedo name it would not be Kim cos living with one is bad enough!! OoOpS... hope my sis is not reading this)
2 - I am *sob sob* 23 yrs old...
... okay lah, 24 this year. =/
3 - I am Chinese also, but but.. people mistaken me for Thai, Jap and Indo-Chn before wor. (cos i act cute mah!)
4 - I am actually shorter and fatter then this Kim fella at XXXcm/ZZZkg. Hard to believe right? =P
The description does sound alot like me... although I'll die before letting anyone call me boy. Seems like my 'fluent English' is also getting worse by the day as what Charlene says, apparently cos i drink too much and am getting brain damaged. -_-"
But still, i think i look so much cuter than him lor... a bit of an insult can.

Hey... chubby is cute orhkaay, i never said handsome or good-looking mah (in which the first category both me and Kim will never be in... the second category will have to depend on individual's perception bahz.)
Was looking thru my pics and was trying to find one of myself in a similiar pose. Found one when i was much younger... which bare 'some' questionable resemblance, you be the judge. (and remember to post your comments!!)

Well, enough said about that. Oh, for the people who would be interested in Kim's services... please head on down to www.m-powertherapy.com (gotta give the site some props since i'm using the picture right? )
Speaking of which... i got the shock of my life when i saw another one of the masseur advertised there...

So anyway... a few discrepancies to prove that i'm not Kim or Kim's not me, or i am him but not me or he is me but not him.. Err, i think you get the idea... right? =P (Wordplay!)
1 - My name is not Kim (Even if i have a psuedo name it would not be Kim cos living with one is bad enough!! OoOpS... hope my sis is not reading this)
2 - I am *sob sob* 23 yrs old...
... okay lah, 24 this year. =/
3 - I am Chinese also, but but.. people mistaken me for Thai, Jap and Indo-Chn before wor. (cos i act cute mah!)
4 - I am actually shorter and fatter then this Kim fella at XXXcm/ZZZkg. Hard to believe right? =P
The description does sound alot like me... although I'll die before letting anyone call me boy. Seems like my 'fluent English' is also getting worse by the day as what Charlene says, apparently cos i drink too much and am getting brain damaged. -_-"
But still, i think i look so much cuter than him lor... a bit of an insult can.

Hey... chubby is cute orhkaay, i never said handsome or good-looking mah (in which the first category both me and Kim will never be in... the second category will have to depend on individual's perception bahz.)
Was looking thru my pics and was trying to find one of myself in a similiar pose. Found one when i was much younger... which bare 'some' questionable resemblance, you be the judge. (and remember to post your comments!!)

Well, enough said about that. Oh, for the people who would be interested in Kim's services... please head on down to www.m-powertherapy.com (gotta give the site some props since i'm using the picture right? )
Speaking of which... i got the shock of my life when i saw another one of the masseur advertised there...
I don't think you both look alike leh. I'll definitely not mistake him for you.
Oi take out Richard photo lah.
He's not bothered by it. I told him about it a couple days ago wor.
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