Saturday, February 16, 2008

Work Work.. No Work

Once again I’m finding myself at a juncture, show I quit or should I continue staying. It seems that I can’t find satisfaction in my job. I have transformed into the reluctant worker who is sluggish in his performance and finds every chance he has to leave the office early.

It’s a lame excuse but I swear I really never meant to be this way, working performance wise. I may not have a lot of drive but I do work hard. One reason I can think of would be that I’m not interested in the job and when it comes to me, I’m just that the sort of person who only does what he likes. Just like in school when a particular subject didn’t interest me, I would just lose interest and concentrate on other subjects. If a job doesn’t interest me or motivate me, I suppose this would be how I react.

Recently I realize that there’s been a change in my perspective. What I want out of life is suddenly very different from before. I want happiness, I want to be able to find time to go out with friends, have dinner with my family and not just focus on work all the time. Looking around at my colleagues, I sometimes wonder if the sacrifice they’ve made for their job worth it? Every day is just that tired, worn out look on their faces. Even when they smile you can still see the fatigue and weariness. I’ve already been told that I look tired most of the time at work and I don’t want to end up like that, I enjoy my health as it is now. Perhaps they enjoy the work after all but I guess that’s the difference between them and myself. I get worn out easily and I can’t deal with the constant changes that come with my work, it really gets me down. Screw the indecisive corporate bastards from above that make life difficult for all of us.

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